All our foxholes have been found out
hounds baying down the weeping wheat fields
hunters’ boots crushing soil and root.
What if the Serpent of Eden’s temptation
had been a rose rather than an apple?
I would have done anything to see her again.
Where did you fly away to?
Did you think of the sheep and all your graphite creations?
I wonder, up in the skies, do you ever think of me?
The last time we spoke on the phone
you said, “This is it for me, old boy.
The baobabs have overgrown.”
© Copyright 2019 Avra Margariti

Avra Margariti is a queer Social Work undergrad from Greece. She enjoys storytelling in all its forms and writes about diverse identities and experiences. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Flash Fiction Online, The Forge Literary, SmokeLong Quarterly, The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts, Argot Magazine, The Arcanist, and other venues. Avra won the 2019 Bacopa Literary Review prize for fiction. You can find her on twitter @avramargariti.